• UpCluster - Insper

UpCluster - Insper

The Insper laboratory technical team has built a low-cost cluster comprising of 24 Upboards to provide high-performance computing power for research applications in astronomy, including exoplanet searches and black hole simulations. This cluster can process large and complex data sets, enabling researchers to perform intensive calculations and simulations with speed and efficiency. The use of Upboards provides a cost-effective solution, allowing the research team to achieve powerful computing capabilities without investing in expensive hardware. The cluster represents an important resource for the advancement of astronomical research and is a testament to the technical expertise of the Insper laboratory team.



  • Luciano Silva Luciano Silva Professor Researcher
  • André Filipe André Filipe Professor Researcher
  • Lícia Sales Lícia Sales Robotics and AI Lab
  • Tiago Demay Tiago Demay HPC and Network Lab
  • Leornado Nazário Leornado Nazário FabLab
  • Daniel Daniel Pinto Agile Lab