• Classes
  • 01 - Introduction

Standards - Aps01 - Part 2

Now that we've defined a repository standard, it would be nice to reuse it in new projects.

For that we will use cookiecutter to define a template repository. Then, when a new ML project is started, we will just use our template to start it.

Accept assignment

In order to do this, you will need to Accept the part 2 of the assignment. We will use this repository as our ML repository template for new projects.


Please note that APS 01 is divided into two assignments!

Task 01: Create a template

Then, clone the repository in you machine and create a folder structure similar to:


The .gitkeep are empty files created to allow empty folders to be in the template

Question 1

Create a README.md (root directory) with some basic informations of the template repository

Question 2

Create the cookiecutter.json with the content:

    "directory_name": "project-name",
    "author_name": "Your Name",
    "compatible_python_versions": "^3.8"

Question 3

Create the .gitignore inside { {cookiecutter.directory_name} } with the files to be ignored by default in future projects.

Question 4

Create the README.md inside { {cookiecutter.directory_name} } with the default README for future projects. Be creative!

Think about the useful information that is expected to be in the README of any and every project!

Question 5

Create basic python files in { {cookiecutter.directory_name} }/src folder.

These files would be generic files, extensively edited by developers who will use your template in many different projects. Just give a basic idea of ​​the pattern you expect data scientists to follow when doing preprocessing or model training.

Question 6

You can also leave some notebooks with basic code for exploratory data analysis.

Question 7

Commit and push your changes to Github!

Task 02: Testing your template

Install cookiecutter:

$ pip install cookiecutter

Then use the command:

$ cookiecutter https://github.com/insper-classroom/your_template_repository --checkout main

Done! It should create the folders and files structure defined in the template.


Delivering the assignment is the same as pushing to the main branch of your private repository of aps01!

Release APS01 Part 2!

Exercise 8

In the repository created for part 2 of the APS, configure the webhook the same way as in part 1.

Exercise 9

In the repository created for part 2 of the APS, configure the webhook the same way as in part 1.

Exercise 10

In the repository for part 2, submit the activity by creating a aps1.2.x tag, replacing x with any number.

$ git tag -a aps1.2.1 -m "release my template for autograding"

$ git push origin aps1.2.1

Exercise 11

Check the repository for issues and solve then!

Exercise 12

Check the test status API.

Feel the Dopamine Release as you check that both APS1 activities are green and passing the tests!


Each part of APS1 is configured in an all-or-nothing format. Each part contributes 5 to the grade (only if passed all tests for that part). Therefore, the possible grades are 0, 5 (only one part completed), or 10.
