• Classes
  • 03 - Batch prediction
  • Part 2

APS 02

In this assignment, we are going to create a new version of the work from the last class (Click!).

What will change?!

All data will be read and written from PostgreSQL.

Before starting

Accept assignment

All assignments delivery will be made using Git repositories. Access the link below to accept the invitation and start working on the second assignment.

Invitation link

Configure assignment repository

You must ensure that the repository has the required folder structure. Create by hand or use your template and then link to the assignment repository.

TASK 0: Create analytical table

In DBeaver, try to create a SQL query that performs the necessary transformations in the data of the item_sale table, so that they are grouped and with the necessary fields for model training, as in the last class.

store_id total_sales year month day weekday
0 5000 62895.6 2023 1 1 6
1 5000 42351.1 2023 1 2 0
1636 5005 46246.3 2023 9 29 4

Tip! 1

Start with a simple query like:

FROM sales.item_sale;

Then make the necessary adjustments.

Tip! 2

At first, use fixed dates, for example, assuming your model will use data from 2023-06-01 to 2023-06-30.


Notice that the query must do all necessary transformations on the data.

Question 1

The current day (today) will not have reliable base sales as they are still being made by customers. Adjust your query so that the data is:

  • From the day before today
  • Up to a delta in the past. Choose your delta, for example one years.


Now "today" cannot be fixed in the query anymore, google for CURRENT_DATE + postgres and make the necessary adjustments!

TASK 1: Query file for analytical table

We will no longer have CSV in the data folder!

Question 2

Create an .env file with the database access credentials.

Question 3

Create a data/train.sql file containing the query from the previous task.

Question 4

Change your program so that:

  • The data/train.sql file is read as text.
  • Database credencials are loaded from .env file.
  • Text query is executed to return a Pandas DataFrame in the model retraining step.


Search how to:

  • Create a PostgreSQL database connection in Python.
  • How to read a Pandas DataFrame from a query and connection.

For now...

For now, keep saving and reading the model in the models folder!

Question 5

Why should we avoid using * in production queries?

Explain why making queries like this one is a bad practice:

SELECT * FROM som_table

TASK 2: Exporting predictions

The way data predicted by the model are saved depends a lot on how the model is used.

In this activity, let's assume that:

  • The model always makes predictions from the current day to the next six days.
  • The predictions are stored in another schema called sales_analytics.
  • Old predictions are not stored. Whichever prediction script is run, the table that stores predictions should be cleared and only the predictions for the day through the next week should be kept in the table.


Try to create a query that generates a table with all the days and fields needed for prediction:

Then, save these lines in a new table "scoring_ml_YOUR_INSPER_USERNAME" on schema sales_analytics. In Python, iterate over these records calling and storing your model's predictions!

Remember to delete old records from this table every time you make predictions.


When running the prediction, you'll need the data in the same format as the training.

store_id year month day weekday
0 5000 2023 8 2 2
0 5000 2023 8 3 3
0 5001 2023 8 2 2
0 5001 2023 8 3 3

You can build the previous table already in the expected format (with columns of day, month, year, weekday) or just leave it with the complete date and make transformations (using Python or SQL) just before making the predictions.

Question 6

Change your prediction code to meet the requested requirements.

TASK 3: A new View!

Let's pass the code from data/train.sql to a view on the database.

Question 7

Create a view with the contents of data/train.sql. The view can be called view_abt_train_YOUR_INSPER_USERNAME an be on schema sales_analytics.

Question 8

Change the query in data/train.sql to query the newly created view.

DO NOT use "SELECT *"!!!

Submit the activity by the deadline!