• Classes
  • 04 - Interview 01

Interview 01


  1. Can I do the interview from home?

    No. The interviews are face-to-face and synchronous. They must be done during class time.

  2. What if I can't make it to class?

    See the rules for activities that were not delivered Here.

  3. How will the dynamics of the interviews be?

    The interviews will be in pairs. The interviewer will ask questions and the interviewee must answer them.

  4. Who will play the role of interviewer?

    You and your partner will alternate, sometimes being the interviewer, sometimes being the interviewee.

  5. Should the interviewer create questions on the fly?

    No. There will be a support material that will guide the interviews, containing: simpler steps (such as greeting), questions from the interviewer and rubric to evaluate the response.

  6. Who will evaluate responses?

    Whoever is playing the role of interviewer.

  7. Will the interviews be in English?

    The support material (that will guide the dynamics) will be in English. You can agree with your partner if will speak in English, Portuguese or any other language.

  8. Will I need to write the answers?

    At first, no. You may need to draw on the walls!

  9. Will I be able to google during the interview?


Interview subject

We will focus mainly on the subjects studied in the previous classes. For example, Interview 01 will focus on:

  • Introduction to MLOps
  • ML life cycle
  • Categories of Model Deployment
  • APIs
  • Online prediction
  • Batch prediction

Use the available references and do extra research to delve deeper into the subjects.

In addition, some interview questions will go beyond the skills practiced in MLOps classes, so that you recall and re-evaluate your skills acquired in other courses.

For example, on the Ciência dos Dados final project you used a lot of communication skills. There may be questions that require, for example, explaining a concept to a manager.