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04 - Professional Project

There is a moment in a project's history where it is already useful for the author and other people are starting to get interested in it. Software documentation, clear install instructions and being free of errors are important to these people but are not necessarily essential to the authors, who are used to fix problem when they appear and are familiar with every aspect of the code. We will transform a project like this into a project that is ready to be used by other people and that can receive contributions from other developers.

{"skill_id": 4, "metadata": {"date": "2022-09-01", "url": "http...", "group": []}


Form a pair and select a project that one of you worked on during your degree. We will transform it into a complete project that other people can use and contribute to.


This is a project for more than one meeting and can be done in pairs.

Software documentation

  • Create a website for the project, including screenshots and animations about its usage
  • Create a wiki with instructions for developers
    • build instructions
    • code organization
    • technologies used


Use mkdocs or other static site generator tools to create the website. Jekyll is also a popular choice.

Project quality

  • Create README with project description, screenshot and links to documentation
  • Organize repo with source code in a src folder and documentation in docs
  • Execute a linter in your project and export its output to one or more issues with names related to code quality improvements
  • Execute pydoc, or any other similar tool, in your project and add the output to the project documentation.