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07 - Code quality

In Lesson 04 - Professional Project we created a repo and website for an old project developed during the course. Now we are going to improve its quality by fixing the issues each group found using a linter tool.


We won't work on our own projects this time! Select a project from ongoing projects page and comment on the issue you'd like to do or create a new issue that you'd like to work on. Every project must have at least one issue with external participation.


  • create a Pull/Merge request addressing a code quality issue found in another team's project.
  • work with other team to get a Pull/Merge request accepted in your repository

Learning objective: modify a project you are not familiar with and improve its code quality

"skill_id": 11, "metadata": {"url": "pull request url", "group": ["student2"]}

Add to the pull request description a link to the accepted contribution.