🔔 FPGA - Assigment 1


What should be delivered?

The idea of this delivery is for you to work a little more with VHDL and also to remember/learn how to develop a project hierarchically. In this delivery, you will develop an IP core (intellectual property core) dedicated to controlling a stepping motor.

This component should control the four phases of a stepping motor (which you received with the kit) to rotate the motor in both directions and with some different speeds.


To facilitate development, a project and a component that control the stepping motor are available in the folder (/Delivery1/) in the discipline repository, but they do not perform everything that is being asked here. In this example, the stepping motor only rotates in one direction (DIR does not work), the EN signal does not control whether the motor will be turned on/off and the motor has only two speeds (VEL).

The pins have already been mapped and you should connect the motor as indicated below!


Be careful to avoid burning the board.

Final assembly:

Schematic GPIO

Extracted from the manual:


After assembling, open the example project, compile and write to the FPGA. You should see the motor rotating.

Play with switches 2 and 3, the motor speed should vary.


  • A
    • Applies an acceleration curve to the speed.
  • B
    • Has a number of steps to be executed.
  • C
    • Drives the stepping motor and has a signal to:
      • EN (which turns the motor on and off)
      • DIR (which controls the direction in which the motor rotates)
      • VEL[1:0] (four rotation speeds)
  • D
    • Delivered the tutorial
  • I
    • Did not deliver anything.